The people in my office who came up with the idea of an advent calendar, because they know, as well as having been a barman, I’ve dabbled in food and drink over the years , asked me if I could invent a European themed cocktail for the last day - so I’ve done two, booth of which are my own receipes, rather than borrowed from books or whatever. Inevitably however, as there are only so many flavour or drinks, these are variants of other, more classic cocktails.
Today’s Euro-cocktail is a Cospopolitan crossed with something called an Italian greyhound.
The recipe is:
2 measures (30ml) of Gin.
1 measure (15ml) of Napoleon (or more likely Grand Marnier)
1 teaspoon (5 ml) of Aperol
Juice of half a lime
One the video I incorrectly say that a teaspoon is 10 or 15ml - this is because I am pre-metric and can’t always remember. Sorry.
Anyway, you will like this if you like trendy aromatic flavours like Campari or, well, Gin.
So enjoy.
PS - I think I'm supposed to say 'drink responsibly', please.