Promoted by John Howarth

This website is promoted by John Howarth on his own behalf.

John Howarth.
c/o Former Members,
European Paliament
Rue Weirtz 60.
B1047 Brussels

Content on this site

Views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors. John Howarth was a Labour Member of the European Parliament but his views, then nor now, cannot necessarily be held to be the view of the Labour Party (even though they frequently were/are). What is more, opinions expressed on this site may offend some people, usually because they disagree with that opinion, but sometimes because there is satirical content. It is respectfully suggested that nobody is forcing anybody to read anything nor to have a sense of humour.

Parliamentary immunity applies to speeches and contributions made in the European Parliament plenary and to committees and delegations and all other proceedings of the Parliament which are carried on this site.


Articles published on this site are subject to copyright and the rights of the author are asserted.

Many images on this site are Copyright, others may be subject to Copyright and others are used under 'creative commons' licence. Go find your own!

The site is based on a commercially available template called Bento - which is somebody's work (some folk called Satari Studio, as it happens). There is a free version which states the copyright thin, but hey the one you pay for is much better and it's not expensive.

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Use of this site is entirely at the risk of the user/viewer/reader. No liability for anything whatsoever as a result of using this site is in any way accepted or implied. Continued use of the site beyond loading the home page implies acceptance of the conditions of use.


John Howarth maintains this website to enhance public access to information about the institution and its activities.

His goal is to keep this information as complete, accurate and up to date as possible. If errors are brought to his attention, he will take all reasonable steps to make any necessary corrections as soon as practical. The information published on this site is of a general nature only and has not been designed to meet any individual needs. It therefore does not constitute professional or legal advice and is supplied without any warranty whatsover. (if you need specific advice, John suggests suggest you consult a suitably qualified professional, legal or medical).

John Howarth cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage which may result from use of this site. John  will take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption caused by technical errors. Some data or information on this site or within its third party open source components may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free. John cannot in such cases guarantee that service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. John Howarth accepts no responsibility in case of defective transmission of data due to the various networks of the internet or to incompatibilities due to the user's web browser.

John Howarth cannot guarantee that information from external sources contained on this site is reliable, up to date or even true (especially if it is from the Number 10 website). The information on this site may link to external sites over which the John Howarth services has no control and for which he can accept no responsibility.