Speech – Circular economy and markets

John Howarth MEP talks about supporting the circular economy

"Madam President, I welcome the report and I support the development of the circular economy as one of the five cohesion policy goals post—2020. Even though I would treat some of the figures that are thrown around on job creation with caution, the potential for the creation of new jobs from circular markets is clear – as are, indeed, the sustainability benefits of moving from new materials in an extractive economy: they’re also self-evident. But I have two observations. If viable circular markets are to develop, then a strategy for supporting those markets has to emerge, otherwise they will not be able to compete effectively against existing linear markets. Secondly, central and local government will be vital, within that strategy, in underpinning the development of mature circular markets through sustainable procurement, as it will in sustainable waste management processes on which the circular economy will depend."

European Parliament Plenary - 12 June 2018

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